
   We would like to express our deepest sympathy for those who have suffered from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and our gratitude for those with kind concern to help us.
  In order to carry out information sharing and effective relief coordination, council meetings are held on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday;

Time:    Temporary House's Salon Suppot Mtg :  17:00 - 18:00

Venue:   IDRAC Office, 1st Floor, Meiyu Center

2012年4月27日 23時22分

Council Meetings during Golden Week

    In today's council meeting, we have decided to close all the council meetings next week during the Golden Week (Japanese national holidays).
    The next council meeting will be on Tuesday, May 7th, after the Golden Week.
    Please report your activities through e-mail.
    Thank you very much for your cooperation.

    *IDRAC Head Office will be open during the Golden Week.
    We will not be closed, so please stop by if there's anything.

2012年4月11日 18時18分

Temporary Housing Cartes

    "Temporary Housing Cartes" that we have started in February.
    Each NGO comes to IDRAC Head Office and writes down reports of its activities.

    The "cartes" are set on a desk in the office, categorized by color according to the locations of over 100 temporary houses in Ishinomaki (approximately 7,000 households).

    It could be only Ishinomaki that has such information sharing system.
    Dates and content of the activities are written in comments on the cartes as well.
    We plan to allow each organization to see the cartes as the reference for new activities, as well as to share the information with Ishinomaki City and Ishinomaki City Social Welfare Council to help the city to grasp the updated situation.

    We have made a summary list of the cartes in our head office.
    Making a copy is prohibited, but we plan to share it in the next Temporary Housing Salon Support Network Meeting.

    Although such reporting could be a huge burden to organizations working hard everyday, but in order to support future recovery assistance in Ishinomaki as well as in any future disaster, we kindly ask all the registered organizations to take their precious time to fill in the cartes.
    We would like to sincerely thank all the organizations for their support and cooperation.

2012年4月09日 17時47分

Council Meeting Report

    Today, on the 9th, we will be changing how to report activities in our council meetings.
    Each participant organization will write down their own activity on the white board.

    Also, for those organizations with many activities, please send us an e-mail.
    We would like to use the time for discussion instead.
    Thank you very much for your understanding and coopearation.

2012年4月01日 17時12分

Moving of Head Office

    On March 28th, IDRAC Head Office has moved out from Block 5, Ishinomaki Senshu University, who has kindly lent us a room for over a year.
    Our new head office is the city's recreational center "Meiyu Center" in Fudo Town, Ishinomaki City.
    Again, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to Ishinomaki Senshu University.

    For moving operation, we have appointed "Moving Manager" in advance, and started with things that we can move and with staffs who can help. 
    Thus, it took 3 days.
    With boxes of meeting reports and electronics moved out of the office and our space getting bigger, many staffs became a bit emotional.

    When we were taking the IDRAC-registered organizations' uniforms away in the end, some said that "Mr. Nakagawa should do this work."

    We are starting new year in our new office.
    We will be doing our council meetings and network meetings here in the new office as well.
    It's still a little bit all over, but should be settled down soon.
    Thank you very much for your support.

2012年3月31日 16時32分

Moving Library

    As spring holiday has started, our moving library for elementary schools is temporarily closed. Our moving library for temporary houses will also be closed in order to restart afresh in the new school year.
    We will make an announcement when we restart moving libraries.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.

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