Program Committees

Food Distribution (completed) 

  Due to the destructions of buildings caused by the earthquake, along with a mass of debris on the streets brought by the tsunami, victims could not cook for themselves nor purchase food from outside. 
We coordinated the food distribution committee providing 700 to 15,000 servings everyday, a total of 800,000 servings until October 11th.

Medical Team

Hundreds of people live in the same shelters for months since the disaster without being able to bathe frequently. Such unsanitary conditions leads to sickness, especially among the disabled and elderly victims. We provide frequent visits by
doctors and nurses, bedsore care, and rehabs to prevent infectious diseases and illnesses among the people in the shelters.

Relaxation & Entertainment

  With the Great East Japan Earthquake being the worst disaster since the World War II, many victims have lost hope for recovery. We send specialist volunteers, such as certified hairstylists and masseuses, to the shelters soorthing and comforting them.

Mental Healthcare

  Many victims become depressed from the losses of their families, friends, and relatives. They also feel stressed from living in the shelter for a long time and being unable to have any privacy or personal space. We coordinate the psychologist organizations to relieve their stresses.


  The child victims are left alone as many parents are occupied with cleaning houses, finding jobs, etc. and their friends living in different shelters and such. We distribute snacks and toys to those children in the affected area as well as arrange music performances and children events to bring back the beautiful smiles on their innocent faces.

Transfer / Transportation

  The tsunami has swept away cars and boats, destroying both public and private transportations. We provide transportation service to the victims for going to hospitals, baths, city councils, etc..

Mud Busters (Mud Cleaning)

  The tsunami has ruined a lot of furniture and left mud and sludge in the buildings, causing terrible odors and attracting flies and other insects. Those buildings, in order to be useful for living/working as well as to improve the sanitary conditions of the area, need to be cleaned up. Having the highest demand at the moment, we coordinate more
than ten organizations to clean the mud in the buildings, sending up to 100 volunteers per district everyday.


Life Support (Temporary Housing Support)

 Although people at the shelters often win places to the temporary houses in the lottery, some find it impossible to move as they lack necessary supplies to live with. In order to help them to move out of the shelters and live on their own, we providematerial aids, such as refrigerators and laundries, and other moving supports.

City Revitalization
 Ishinomaki City, with the second largest population in the Miyagi Prefecture, was one of the most active cities in Japan. In order to bring back its liveliness, we plan and host community events, bringing everyone together within the affected area.

On May 5th, for example, we have hosted the Children’s Day Festival at Omiya Shrine, cooperated with other program
committee members, which gave the citizens hope for the future.

Tick Busters (Shelters’ Sanitary Reform) (Completed)

 As three months passed by since the disaster and summer was quickly approaching, an outbreak of ticks and other insects had occurred in mattresses and blankets from the several shelters.

 We coordinated several organizations to visit a total of 52 shelters in Ishinomaki to change and dry about 5,000 mattresses and blankets to improve the sanitary environments from May 30th until Septermber 14th. 

Temporary Housing Salon

 As disaster victims move into temporary houses from different regions, some are often left alone in their houses, unable to initiate communications or interactions with their neghbors. In order to help them create community in which they can live peacefully, we hold events, such as a tea party and massage, in the club house of the temporary house.

Beach Support  NEW!!  

    Started off during Mud Busters, volunteers help clean beaches and fishery in Oshika Peninsula. (Fishery Support) We also revive small farms on the same peninsula. (Agricultural Support)

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